Thursday, January 28, 2010

Sometimes it's just not OK

Along the path of life there are ups and downs and we're told to "be positive" or paint on that happy face, but sometimes it's just not OK.

I woke this morning to a horrific email. A friend of mine lost several people in her life. The first lost her battle to ovarian cancer. The next three lost their lives in Haiti's earthquake.

Currently there is no early reliable detection for ovarian cancer. It is one of the most deadly cancers to women. For more information about ovarian cancer visit

I don't watch TV; I don't even own a TV. I learned there was an earthquake in Haiti about 3 or 4 days after the event. But not my dear friend's friend. She lived it. While working for the UN she moved her husband and three kids to Haiti. On that fateful day she lost her husband and two of her children. In the wake of one of the most devastating earthquakes, she finds herself a widow. In the aftermath she is left with only one of her beautiful children.

Should you choose to help any of the Haiti relief efforts, you will find many ways to do so. Perhaps you can "adopt" a family so that they can begin to heal; donate money or supplies. I would encourage you to scout out the way in which you help. Make sure your supplies, money, or donation is actually getting to where it needs to be.

People asked me over the last nine months, how do I stay so positive. It is simple really. I get to live.

My heart and all my thoughts are with the friends and family of the ones that have lost their battle to cancer, to my friend's friend who passed with ovarian cancer. My heart is with those in Haiti and affected by Haiti. May you find a place where you can heal.

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Gymnastics is somersaults right?

I read the bumper sticker correctly: Gymnastics build better bones. It is the fine print I never saw: And it'll kick your butt also!

Holy cow and a half!

I researched what builds bones -- apparently we all need a little "bone" every now and again. Oh there were other things, super exciting things like doing squats, race walking, and doing body weight exercises. A small tangent here is necessary. What are body weight exercises? And do you only have to do half of them if you are heavier? Or is this some new thing college kids are doing? Anyway...

Gymnastics was also on the list so I immediately let my fingers do the walking all over the internet for adult gymnastics in Boulder. This is where I should have stopped. My fingers got a workout. After signing a quick please don't sue us when you realize gymnastics is REALLY REALLY HARD I paid my 10 bucks and joined Tuesday Night Tumble. Ready to rumble (OK, I just had to write that). We started by running which again was a clue they were serious.

The finality, however, was worth the lashing -- flips on the bouncy thingy with a padded belt around your hips that is affixed to ropes. I was flip goddess!

I have to go back.