Saturday, March 21, 2009

I Never Thought of Myself as a Hick

So there I was talking to a man with a pistol his sack. After Harley, his well-behaved Australian Shepherd puppy ran my old man Sam, moderately well-behaved Australian Shepherd, around for awhile, she curled up next to her owner and burrowed in for a nap. Dirt flew about as she dug her den and into her owners nap sack it landed. And then I saw the pistol.

"For lion's," he said. He'd never shoot to kill, just wanted to scare them if they came for Harley.

In panic I thought of old man Sam. I thought he was supposed to rescue me, but what if I am supposed to rescue him?

And where was I headed? I was off to explore the mountain leading to the "Lion's Den" bouldering area. A name by any other name is still as fair? or something Shakespearean like that, right?

With caution to the wind I headed uphill to the den. I had to climb, despite the endless mind-chatter. I concluded, while talking to myself and answering every question with just as much thought, that I would wrestle the lion...and then I saw it...

Not the lion, silly, the boulder. I could not resist. Dancing shoes donned, Sam at rest, I was up one, then another, and another.

Of course no lion. And do you really think a lion would go after a dog like this anyway?

Monday, March 9, 2009

Damsel in Distress

OK, I admit it, sometimes I play the helpless female card. Today was such a day. In true female fashion I even showed some leg. I can't help it. I just don't want to replace the headlight on my Subaru. I want someone else to do it for me.

So it's safe to say that wasn't the case Saturday as I was shopping the Habitat ReStore for discounted kitchen cabinets and sheet rock. I need the sheet rock so I can hang it, mud, tape, sand, paint, and install my kitchen cabinets. I'm ready for my kitchen to be done. I'm ready to plug in and use my all-pink mini appliances with matching pink utensils. Once I'm done, I'll even bake a cake for my glass cake holder and cover it in pink frosting with big yellow and pink flowers.

It's OK to be girlie and I think it's OK to show some leg. I mean, really, do you want to replace a headlight in your car?

Friday, March 6, 2009

To Bozeman

In my life I have been extraordinarily lucky -- I've escaped several earthquakes in California, avalanches in the Sierra's, rock falls, and various other catastrophes. Recently I moved from Bozeman, Montanan to the Front Range in Colorado. In the news Bozeman was "rocked" by a gas-line explosion on Main Street. The site is just 4 blocks from the house I sold in August. Four buildings were destroyed, including what had been two wonderful places to meet friends for an after work cocktail.

I struggle to wrap around the idea of so much devastation. With the economy many businesses have moved out of Bozeman's downtown area. Now this. Am I lucky to have sold my house when I did? Or unlucky that I will not be part of rebuilding the Bozeman community?

As I facilitate from my Colorado home to arrange for electric heat for my tenants and safety for the houses I manage in Bozeman, my heart goes out to the community that treated me so well for so many years.

For my Bozeman readers, best wishes and keep strong in these struggling times.