Friday, March 6, 2009

To Bozeman

In my life I have been extraordinarily lucky -- I've escaped several earthquakes in California, avalanches in the Sierra's, rock falls, and various other catastrophes. Recently I moved from Bozeman, Montanan to the Front Range in Colorado. In the news Bozeman was "rocked" by a gas-line explosion on Main Street. The site is just 4 blocks from the house I sold in August. Four buildings were destroyed, including what had been two wonderful places to meet friends for an after work cocktail.

I struggle to wrap around the idea of so much devastation. With the economy many businesses have moved out of Bozeman's downtown area. Now this. Am I lucky to have sold my house when I did? Or unlucky that I will not be part of rebuilding the Bozeman community?

As I facilitate from my Colorado home to arrange for electric heat for my tenants and safety for the houses I manage in Bozeman, my heart goes out to the community that treated me so well for so many years.

For my Bozeman readers, best wishes and keep strong in these struggling times.

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