Tuesday, May 18, 2010

My Cancer

Sometimes it is simply easier to count the amount of sleep in minutes...last night was one of those nights. A year ago this morning about now was the very last time he touched my real breasts, playfully tugging at my nipples. It was the last time I stood naked in front of a man. In less than an hour -- a year ago -- the anesthesiologist delivered the potion rendering me helpless as the surgeon made two perfect horizontal six-inch incisions across my chest and carefully removed the woman inside.

Monday, May 10, 2010

It's not like cancer...

Lymphedema is forever.

I don't know anything about it and neither do a ton of other people. It has something to do with protein and fluid filling in the spaces within our cells causing unsightly swelling. Twenty percent of breast cancer survivors get lymphedema.

When I joined the alumni association of the pink ribbon club I thought I was done. I just got to be the big sister to the up and coming pink ribbon stars. But when I could not longer put my fingers around my wrist and had recurring [what I thought was] nerve pain down my right arm I asked what the heck? Within 10 minutes I had my first appointment for MLD -- manual lymph drainage.

I feel like I fell back into that spiraling tornado of medical mayhem.

I am just beginning my journey down Lymphedema Lane, but in these three short days I've had an opportunity to meet a true superstar. Her name: Rachel. She founded Lymphedivas. It was her mission in life to offer a lymphedema garment that women could feel good about wearing so that they could heal. She devoted her energy towards the betterment and healing of others. She truly is a pink ribbon superstar. She is the big sister for me that I hope so much to be for someone else.

I will never get an opportunity to thank Rachel for traveling this path before me -- for helping me see that lymphedema can be fashionable and fun. Rachel passed away on January 22, 2008 from breast cancer. She was 37 -- I know because we shared the same birth year.

Next week I will be fitted for my lymphedema garment. I will be honored to wear one of Rachel's designs.