Sunday, October 26, 2008

Jumping from the Frying Pan!

We oft sit in the frying pan sweltering away -- get out! Get out!

Unfortunately so many times we go back to what we were doing and, guess what? In time, end up back in the frying pan. Here's how to avoid the Colonel's secret extra crispy recipe.

Make a list of 10 things you really want to do. Pick just one and do it. Regularly I write down my 10 imaginary lives. Here are some of my recurring top 5:
  1. Pilot delivering mail in Alaska
  2. Travel writer
  3. Voodoo doctor -- sounds like it would be fun, plus there are some people I'd like to "doo" some "voo" to!
  4. Famous inventor
  5. Magnificent painter
After my first watercolor class last Saturday, I'm a painter all right -- a painter of what I have no idea and was sent home with the advice to practice every day! But you know what? I did it! I painted the ugliest purple and blue tree with pink leaves this world has ever seen and that was magnificent -- a magnificent painting.

This week join me and do something different! I'm sewing together my latest invention -- panties for the world to see! What will you do?

(Just an aside, who the heck ever thought "colonel "should be spelled like that?)

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