Friday, January 2, 2009

Are you kidding me?

Most of my adult life I remember my aunt wanting to be a grandma. When she built her house, she installed a baby-tub, which is a tub with very short walls around it, suitable for sitting on your knees to wash a baby. At her house in Colorado she purchased a twin bed to put in the guest room along with a king-size bed so that her grandchildren would have a place to sleep in the same room as their parents.

On Christmas, she and my uncle received a barely wrapped gift: "I love Grandma" and "I love Grandpa" bibs.

My aunt bellowed "are you kidding me?" The room fell silent as Dara shook her head. My uncle still trying to figure it out, looked up, by then the rest of us figured it out -- he caught up.

After that moment, her face actually glowed. Not the glow from too much to drink or too much time in the sun, but an internal glow that would be impossible to turn off. I'm not sure my aunt can tell you anything else about that week, but she can definitely tell you about her soon-to-be grandchild. As for my uncle, he's aglow as well.

As for me, I'm trying to figure out how I am related to my cousin's baby -- is it my second cousin? first cousin once removed and where was (s)he removed to?

Congrats Matt & Dara!

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