Saturday, April 18, 2009

A tree with many branches

I find two of the most important things to remember when faced with adversity is that trees have many branches and squirrels must collect tons of acorns just to make it through the winter.

If a squirrel can carry enough acorns, one at a time, back to it's nest to survive a Montana winter, I can too. OK, it's a White Stripes song, but it helped me through my Montana experience and ultimately brought me to Colorado where my home has been waiting for me.

Now the tree. After my mammogram and ultrasound my dear friend Bobbe described my situation as a tree. With each exam and radiograph my lump takes a new branch. While a cyst (the best case scenario) has been completely ruled out, I still have two branches left on my tree -- cancer and not cancer. And after I know which of those two branches my life will follow, I will have more branches to choose.

You see, a tree continues to grow and split into branches as it grows. With every branch in every life situation there are always new branches, new choices, and new directions.

I do happen to have one sexy tree I came across in Kentucky with super huge sturdy branches -- sturdy enough for Sam to climb.
So here's my tree. My cup is half full. I have the very best friends a girl could ever have. And I have a good feeling.

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