Monday, November 9, 2009

I had cancer.

Me and Sam at Arapahoe Pass after my 5th chemo treatment.

It's hard to see me with hair. With my body. Whole. Old photos have a lot to say.

I met a new friend at radiation (started today!). Her name is Teri. When I met her I asked "so do you have breast cancer also?" She said "no. I HAD breast cancer." Well so did I! While I opted for the whole show -- double mastectomy, chemo, radiation -- Teri was one of those lucky ones that caught it early. Her endearment included a lumpectomy and 33 radiation treatments.

This morning she greeted me with crossed legs, high-heeled stilettos, radiation smock and robe and said she was intrigued by my words...cancer was probably the best thing that ever happened to me.

About then I set off to walk "the radiation mile" just after she uttered we will start with this question tomorrow....

At my second doctor's appointment for the day I began my list. Cancer is the best thing that ever happened to me.

I learned to forgive and I started with myself.

I learned to let go and I started with myself.

I learned to slow down and to live.

I learned not to define each word in the English language; definitions are limiting and I found I have no limits.

I found beauty in a deformed body.

I learned to paint on my happy face and then one day I found that I no longer needed the paint -- I am happy.

I learned to cry and that it is OK to cry.

I learned tolerance and I started with myself.

I learned that if it is a beautiful day, enjoy it and I found that every day is a beautiful day.

I learned it is OK to be weak; everyone makes a comeback.

I found strength in other people and I learned it is OK for them to help me.

I found my soul and learned how to keep it alive.

Now with just 32 radiation treatments left I know I am the lucky one. I had cancer.

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