Saturday, September 27, 2008

Drowned Rats

Creek outside Bongo Billy's with an obstacle course set up through the water.

Like drowned rats flocking from flooded sewers, dirty campers stream into Bongo Billy's, Salida, Colorado's local institution. Unseasonal fall rainstorms sent us inside to dry out otherwise Bongo's would be catering to its everyday 60's-something crowd talking national politics and forming knitting circles around the large circular corner table. One weary camper dries out and awaits a package being delivered to the Lutheran Church--new biking shoes. He is riding his bike across the country. In the early weeks of his travels his bike was stolen. Undeterred he purchased a new mountain bike, donned on some Vans shoes and has been peddling west ever since. Another camper lives in the hills above Salida after selling his house. He will be purchasing land very soon to build an eco-friendly house of unknown design.

But wait, the sun appears, and in a moment we are all gone.

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