Saturday, September 27, 2008

Martin's the only stop worth making in Asheville, NC

Martin's, home of the square pizza, is the only stop worth making in Asheville. Located at the 40/240 interchange, Martin's sits in the very corner of a strip mall near the Dress Barn with loads of icicle lights hanging from its ceiling lighting the place up like a Christmas movie. Two absolute musts off this menu are the Greek salad and Jose's Penne. Positively the best Greek salad I have ever tasted--it's in the dressing and the freshly shredded feta cheese. Jose's Penne has a kick that can't be beat. Thinly sliced Roma tomatoes and jalapenos dressed in Alfredo sauce and tossed with penne, umm, ummm, ummmm! The owner is a northern transplant from Maryland where he owned an Italian restaurant employing mostly Hispanics. Jose, presumably, made this pasta dish up north. According to the owner (Martin?), his staff raved over the penne and gobbled it up. Finally, he decided to put the dish on the menu and, when moving south, he brought the dish with him!

Of the eleven states I've been to so far, this restaurant is the only place with a huge "Now Hiring" sign in the window. I'm telling you, it's Jose's Penne!

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